Photons are generated by the Reactor Node and start moving in a random direction.
They travel along the beams of the Laser Lattice like a train following its tracks.
Intersection Nodes (located at intersections of the beams)
Reactor Node:
Located at the center of the Laser Lattice, this is where Photons are generated.
If a Photon crosses this node, it travels straight through it.
  Vert Node: (square clear crystal)
Vert Nodes refract (bend) the laser beams to change the path of the Photons.
You can reverse the refraction by clicking on a Vert Node, this is called Verting.
You can also Vert a node with the numeric keypad (see below).
  AutoVert Node: (round clear crystal)
AutoVert Nodes can be verted manually like normal Vert Nodes. They also vert
automatically as a Photon passes through. AutoVert Nodes do not appear until the
second Lattice.
  InvisoVert Node: (square opaque crystal)
This node works like the basic Vert Node but hides the beam.
You must remember its direction.
  InvisoAutoVert Node: (round opaque crystal)
This node is a combination of the InvisoVert and AutoVert Nodes.
End Nodes (located at the ends of the beams)
  Power Node:
You must guide the Photons to empty Power Nodes.
When a photon enters a Power Node, it releases its energy which energizes
the Power Node. This is referred to as docking a Photon
Warp Node:
Warp Nodes transport the Photon to the opposite end of the Laser Lattice
where it will continue traveling in the same direction.
When two Photons are docked in the power Nodes adjacent to a Warp Node,
the warp node is energized and becomes a Bumper Node.
Bumper Node (See right middle, between the energized Power Nodes):
When a Photon hits a Bumper Node, it bounces and its direction is reversed.
As a Photon travels along the beams, it absorbs energy. When a Photon is docked,
it releases its energy to the Power Node.
As a photon absorbs energy, it becomes brighter and eventually disintegrates.
If a Photon collides into an occupied Power Node, both Photons disintegrate.
When a Photon disintegrates, all docked Photons are agitated and ejected one by one back
onto the Laser Lattice. You must then guide them back to empty Power Nodes.
There is a minimum number of Photons needed to prevent the Laser Lattice from collapsing.
The minimum is indicated by a colored section on the bottom of the Photon Indicator. ->
If you fall below the minimum number of Photons, the Laser Lattice collapses and
you lose the game. (the Photons Indicator is located just left of the Laser Lattice)
At higher levels, Photons start with more energy and, therefore, disintegrate faster.
When you fill all eight Power Nodes, you contain the reaction and advance to the next Lattice.
When you complete a series of six Lattices, you advance to the next Level.
The highest completed Level determines your Rank.
Performance Evaluation
Before playing, check that your name is in the Player Info control panel (upper right corner of the Verttice screen). To add a new player, click on the Player Info panel to open it, click the button below New Player, type your name (up to 13 letters) and press Return. To change the current player, open the panel and click on the button with your name.
Verttice will record the highest completed Level for the top 15 players. To advance a Level you must complete a series of six Lattices. (the Lattice Indicator is located at the left of the screen)
Before you start the reactor, you can select a different Level to play by clicking on the Level Indicator (at the right of the screen). You cannot change Level while the reactor is energized.
Keyboard Shortcuts
If you use a macro program such as QuicKeys, you may want to turn it off before using the function keys. Some keys are available only on the Apple extended keyboard.
To do this... Do this...
Bypass Startup Animation...........Click the mouse or press any key.